Don't stress about your next meal prep sesh. Forget about feeling bored with your food journals. This is the best free little book around to help you find your spirit animal when it comes to nutrition!
The founder of Holly Ecimovic Design, Holly works day in and day out to create unique, lively and inspirational digital tools for health and wellness coaches.
Holly has been a digital content editor and producer for more than 10 years, working in TV, broadcast and radio. Her signature courses and journals include: The Confidence Journals: Design Bundle, The Service Journal: Outreach Planning Guide, and 200 Journal Prompts to De-Clutter + Relax.
Find tons of free and easy-to-download resources for health and wellness coaches in Holly's Free Stuff Vault! [ACCESS NOW]
A glimpse at what your free meal planner looks like...
That's right. Food and mood go hand in hand, and now you can make the connection between the two on paper.
Observe and record what's happening inside your mind and body, then review and evaluate for best results.
Plan ahead to experience the success you deserve. Don't wait -- start now.
Download FREE journals, courses and workbooks for healthy eating and emotional wellness, HERE.
Click Here to Shop Journals, Courses
Grab your FREE De-Clutter Journal for Amazing Women, HERE