I created this guide to help you stay inspired while staying hydrated. Drinking water is more fun with these delicious infused-water recipes! Plus, you have a cheat sheet on how each fruit and herb benefits your body. Enjoy!
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Mint: Soothes the stomach and reduces inflammation
Lime: Helps with digestion and naturally detoxes
Lemon: A natural detoxifier (also helps with bloating and fluid retention.)
Cucumber: Anti-inflammatory, hydrating, flushes toxins
Basil: Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial
Cantaloupe: Great for skin and hair
Watermelon: High in lycopene and antioxidants
Strawberries: High in antioxidants, immune boosting
Pineapple: Aids in digestion
Blueberries: High in antioxidants
Peaches: High in vitamin C, great for skin
Oranges: High in vitamin C, helps alkalize the body
Celery + Cucumber
Strawberry + Lime
Lemon + Mint + Strawberry
Read the full article! Staying hydrated while working from home